Tags: Technology

  • Detector de dolor para animales

    pain detector for animals

    Pets can't tell us when something is wrong, but soon they won't have to, since we now have the pain detector app for animals. An innovative new technology is set to revolutionize the care of our furry friends. The Animal Vetpain app uses behavioral insight along with artificial intelligence…

  • Conheça os 5 melhores aplicativos para assistir futebol pelo celular

    Learn about the 5 best applications to assist football on your cell phone

    As the advances in technology have been possible, it has been possible to assist soccer with cellular phones. This is because technology gives us the possibility of making new things in a practical way. How to attend football, watch series and films and also solve more practical things... Which ranges from paying cell phone bills to attending classrooms and participating in meetings...

  • 5 aplicativos para testar novos cortes de cabelo

    5 applications to test new haircuts

    Normally, people like to mark new phases in their lives with non-visual changes. For this reason, many people choose to cut their hair, others think about painting and still have themes as people who make new tattoos to eternalize the cycles of life in their skin. It doesn't matter what profile of people you are,…

  • Saúde e boa forma: conheça esses aplicativos de receitas saudáveis

    Health and good shape: know these applications of healthy recipes

    As the help of the internet and technology, it has never been too practical and easy to solve and do things in moments. The Internet helps you resolve professional issues in access issues so that everyone can be informed and accessible. Sem duvidas, a technology ea internet chegaram to facilitate life das...

  • Saúde e boa forma: 5 aplicativos para aprender a dançar de casa pelo celular

    Health and good shape: 5 applications to learn to dance from home by cell phone

    Your goal is to learn to dance and do you need some free classes every time you leave home? So, prepare your cell phone because thanks to technology there are many options and countless possibilities of free applications so that you want to learn a new rhythm without leaving home or paying a fortune for…

  • Dicas para quem tem diabetes: 5 aplicativos para ajudar a controlar a glicose

    Tips for those who have diabetes: 5 applications to help control glucose

    Diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by an increase in sugar levels in the body. There are four groups of types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes and pre-diabetes (which is also considered diabetes at a certain level). The Brazilian Diabetes Society estimates that approximately 13 million Brazilians have diabetes, their…

  • Descubre cómo aprender a tocar la guitarra en tu celular con esta app

    Discover how to learn to play the guitar on your cell phone with this app

    If you want to learn to play a musical instrument, especially the guitar, but you have never had the opportunity, you will have it in an easy way, which is through an application, that is, the command is in the palm of your hands. , without it being necessary to spend or travel, among other things that would be necessary...

  • Teste de gravidez online: descubra se há bebê à vista de forma tecnológica

    Online pregnancy test: find out if you have a baby in sight in a technological way

    When people are pregnant, the symptoms that are only presented seem very obvious after women are no longer pregnant. However, some symptoms are very similar to other conditions, such as PPM itself (pre-menstrual tension), and it is also difficult to identify and even confirm pregnancy. So many questions…

  • Saiba como aumentar a velocidade da sua internet sozinho!

    Learn how to increase the speed of your internet sozinho!

    See how to expand the speed of your network connection with just a few easy clicks and the best platforms, and it can be used by both devices with Android technology and iPhone (IOS). In addition to expanding the speed of your internet, you will also be able to ensure the security of your connection at any time. Veja…

  • Paso a paso para identificar plantas a través de fotos

    Step by step to identify plants through photos

    If you're a plant person, you'll certainly want to identify plants and care for them in the best way possible for them, right? To do this, it is important to know more about what is good or not for each type of plant, especially for yours, since you will be responsible...

  • Os melhores aplicativos para exercitar o cérebro

    The best applications to exercise the brain

    Did you hear that how the advances in technology or our brain is preguiçoso? This is because first we need to make more efforts to obtain access to information. Totally different from today, we just unlock our cell phones for access to various information from all segments. Você ainda é da epoch…

  • Como fazer uma foto se “mexer” e “cantar” com o aplicativo Wombo AI

    How to take a photo is “mexer” and “sing” with the Wombo AI application

    The Wombo application has been very successful on social networks and in our WhatsApp groups with its function of creating animations in photos with dublagens of famous musicians. Many people created these animations with the photos of their friends and shared them on the networks. I am happy because people have used photos…