Category: The most read

  • Descubriendo la WGU Educación a Distancia al Llegar a todos

    Discovering WGU Distance Education by Reaching Everyone

    Discovering WGU Western Governors University: A Paradigm Shift in Distance Education We are living in the era of distance education, and Western Governors University (WGU) stands out as the true innovator of this movement. Let's explore what makes WGU the best option on the global stage of…

  • Google Assistant y Siri: ¿conoces la diferencia?

    Google Assistant and Siri: do you know the difference?

    You already know that Google Assistant and Siri are like the most famous virtual assistants of the moment, right? They are like your technological partners, always ready to help you with daily tasks. Google Assistant is from Google, of course, and Siri is from Apple. However, what sets them apart are some details. In first…

  • Crea tu cuenta de Threads ahora.

    Create your Threads account now.

    First, create your account on Threads, the social network that emerged this month, becoming Twitter's biggest competitor. Since Elon Musk became the owner of Twitter, the network has begun to announce some changes that seem not to have pleased its users. Thus, several competitors of…

  • ¿Crees que sabes todo sobre el hundimiento del Titanic?

    Do you think you know everything about the sinking of the Titanic?

    First, it has been exactly 110 years since this shipwreck occurred. If you are a fan of this story and you think you already know all the details, continue on this post because you will surely get new information about the Titanic. British passenger ship, almost 270 meters long and with 9 luxury floors, operated by White…

  • Vea más informaciones sobre la población mundial

    See more information about the world population

    Discover some information and curiosities regarding the world population and see how the world is today. First of all, we know that due to the policies and changes in the history of each country, drastic changes can happen. With populations that increase significantly or decrease in the same proportion. The nations that some…

  • Aprende algunas curiosidades sobre la meditación.

    Learn some curiosities about meditation.

    First, this meditation practice already has millions of adherents around the world. Present in civilization for centuries, it has become part of the routine in society to this day. Therefore, it eventually became a great wellness tool, covering different audiences, regardless of gender and…

  • algunas curiosidades sobre lo temido por muchos: viernes 13

    some curiosities about what is feared by many: Friday the 13th

    Learn some curiosities about the dreaded Friday the 13th, which brings fear and superstition to many people. So we thought of one unlucky day, watching horror movies and seeing black cat, but do you know why this idea came up? Well, this includes several explanations. For example, in the Christian world, this superstition around…

  • Antúrio Titán: la flor más grande del mundo

    Antúrio Titán: the largest flower in the world

    With the scientific name of Amorphophallus, the largest flower in the world is known as Anthurium Titan. She can reach 3 meters in height and 1.5 meters in diameter, in addition to exuding a strong odor before flowering. What becomes a separate natural spectacle, attracts a large audience to enjoy,…

  • Algunas curiosidades sobre el café

    Some curiosities about coffee

    We don't know exactly where coffee came from, but legends claim that its appearance was in the Ethiopian region. The drink was discovered by a herder named Kaldi who noticed the coffee plant and decided to feed it to his goats. Later, he noticed a different behavior between them, being more…

  • Conoce algunas curiosidades sobre el vino

    Know some curiosities about wine

    As we already know, among the countries best known for their labels and drinks such as champagne, prosecco, barolo and port wine that have spread to the rest of the world are France, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Wine has been a part of the entire sofa of civilization for millennia, because…

  • Averigüe qué automóvil fue lo más caro en el mundo

    Find out which car was the most expensive in the world

    Learn more information and curiosities regarding the most expensive car in the world and what was its value. First of all, some websites say that the coupe version of the legendary 300 SLR was snapped up at a secret auction. Held at the beginning of May and which brought together some ten of the best…

  • Si te gusta el coñac, echa un vistazo a algunas curiosidades.

    If you like cognac, check out some curiosities.

    First of all, did you know that cognac is indicated in those times of lower temperatures, due to its high alcohol content? And that the tasting is better due to the concentration of smells on the coldest days? Knowing that cognac, brandy or brandy, like other distilled beverages, is a decursive product of…