Tags: applications

  • Aplicativos para editar vídeos pelo celular

    Applications to edit videos for cell phones

    Atualmente, com o avanço das redes sociais está mais comum que os internautas compartilhem vídeos, principalmente com o lançamento de aplicativos populares como o Instagram, TikTok e muitos outros. Por isso, neste artigo vamos falar sobre alguns aplicativos para editar vídeos pelo celular que são fáceis e simples de usar, confira a seguir. Confira alguns…

  • 5 aplicativos para treinar em casa

    5 applications to train at home

    Atualmente, devido a pandemia, muitas pessoas estão deixando de ir à academia para fazer exercícios em casa, sendo assim veja como treinar em casa. Por isso, a procura de aplicativos que ajudem a treinar e ter uma vida mais saudável está cada vez mais em alta. Pensando nisso, neste artigo vamos falar sobre 5 aplicativos…

  • Speedtest – Teste a velocidade de sua internet com esse aplicativo

    Speedtest – Test the speed of your internet with this application

    If you use the Internet frequently on a daily basis, it is important to analyze your performance. For example, your operator is delivering on the promise of fast and efficient internet. For this reason, in this article we are going to talk about the Speedtest application, how it works and how to use it to measure your speed…

  • Aplicativos para rastrear o celular

    Apps to track or cell phone

    Às vezes perder o celular ou até mesmo ser alvo de um furto, pode ser sinônimo de dor de cabeça. Isso porque no celular perdido pode ter diversas senhas e arquivos importantes e que poderiam cair em mãos erradas ou algo do tipo.  Mas você sabia que é possível utilizar programas que rastreiam e podem…

  • 5 Aplicativos para conversar com estrangeiros – Confira os melhores

    5 Apps to chat with strangers – Trust the best

    Nowadays, with more and more technologies becoming more and more popular, we will always be in contact with various languages and even using sites in foreign languages. For this reason, in this article we separate a list of two best applications for conversing with strangers, some of which are quick and easy to learn other languages, so continue. Confirm 5…

  • Veja como agendar mensagens no WhatsApp

    See how to schedule messages on WhatsApp

    If you constantly use instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, you probably have to think about how practical it would be to send prompt and scheduled messages, right? You may know that this is possible through a Google Chrome extension. Therefore, check in this article how to use an extension to schedule your messages not...

  • Shazam – Aplicativo que identifica músicas

    Shazam – Application that identifies music

    You are familiar with various musical genres and always seem to like music in your head, but you don't know exactly the name or the Shazam application that can help you. For this reason, in this article we are going to tell a little about what the music search application called Shazam and how it works, please continue. …

  • Aplicativos para assistir a Copa América ao vivo e online

    Applications to attend the Copa América live and online

    The Copa América is one of the two main South American tournaments that takes place between South American soccer teams. Therefore, for sports purposes we selected a list of applications to attend the Copa América live and online. Some of these applications are paid and others are free and belong to large TV channels around the world…

  • Aplicativos para assistir a Eurocopa ao vivo e online

    Applications to attend Eurocopa live and online

    A Eurocopa é considerada um dos maiores torneios de futebol do mundo e acontece todos os anos. Por isso, para os fãs de esportes que não querem perder nenhuma partida dos seus times favoritos, podem usar alguns apps para assistir a jogos de futebol online. Por isso, confira nossa lista com aplicativos para assistir a…

  • Saiba como solicitar sua aposentadoria pelo celular

    I knew how to request your cell phone room

    For those who want to know more information about the status of the request for their accommodation, during the pandemic it is possible to use an application in which all the INSS data are available. Therefore, in this article we will explain how to access all the information regarding your accommodation, such as pending and…

  • 5 aplicativos que transformam fotos em desenhos

    5 applications that transform photos into drawings

    If you dream of a design inspired by your photos, you knew that there are currently various applications that help transform images into incredible illustrations. For this reason, in this article we separate 5 applications that transform photos into drawings that most of them are free and allow users to make incredible edits, trust! Trust…

  • 5 aplicativos para transmitir a tela do celular para TV

    5 applications to transmit to cell phones for TV

    You probably have to go through some situation where you need to pass a file to be shown on TV or even on a computer. It is very common today, because more and more companies are using resources that make it possible to present live content, such as slides, videos, etc.