Restituição do Imposto de renta 2021: I knew I had something for you

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EITHER income tax It is an important way to check all your annual profits and also your income. But many still have doubts about this matter.

Thinking about it, in this article we are going to clarify all your doubts about or income tax, as well as what needs to be declared step by step on how Declare or Rent Tax 2021.

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Did you know that it is Income Tax and as you know it was restored in 2021

EITHER income tax, also known as GO, it is a tribute collected hair Federal Government at the top two gains of workers and companies. This value is charged according to the returns that are declared. In this way, those who have a higher income, usually pay more expensive taxes and those who have a lower income, pay cheaper taxes.

What do you need to declare or Income Tax?

EITHER income tax It must always be declared that a company or a person earns money with their work, is offering services or at the same time, making financial applications and investments.

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For this reason, many Brazilians pay taxes throughout the year that will later be incorporated into the declaration of Renda tax. Furthermore, when a person or company loses part of their assets, such as an imóvel, this must also be declared.

What do I want to declare or tax?

Therefore, not all Brazilians need to declare the Revenue Tax. But for this, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, for example, it is necessary to prove that they receive a salary of less than R$ 1,903.99 and that they do not have other sources of income. 

In the case of workers with portfolios assigned part of this value, they are charged a monthly salary, called Retired Income Tax in Source (IRRF). There are also those who have an income of at R$ 28,559.70 and that is why they are not present and do not need to declare the income tax.

Além disso, to Federal Revenue, responsible for the collection of taxes, avalia quais ciudadãos são o no isentos, observing, for example, all the goods acquired and declared, monthly expenses, such as education, health and others. The number of dependents is also analyzed and they pay some type of social or private benefits.

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How to refund the Income Tax in 2021?

EITHER income tax every time that it is declared that it gives the city the right to receive a refund or payment of this refund is made in the accounts of two taxpayers when they declare or GO

Generally, payment in the form of lots with the total of R$ 6 bilhões of refund for all taxpayers. Ou seja, not the first batch, or taxpayer will receive from May.

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Only the second lot, the city receives next to the month of June or the third in July, likewise by day. It is also possible to access the site from Federal Revenue and verify when your refund will be.

You can also access the application My Income Tax, available for Android and iOS, to verify if he leaves from his GO Was it returned or not.


