Category: úteis

  • ¿Sabes todo lo que hace Alexa?

    Do you know everything Alexa does?

    Do you know everything Alexa does? If you don't already know, Alexa is a virtual assistant that lives inside Amazon Echo devices and has taken the world by storm. Clearly surpassing Siri (Apple) and even Google Assistant. It's like having a super smart friend always ready to help you! She does many things...

  • Licencia de conducir social gratuita

    Free social driver's license

    Having a driving license is very important in our daily life, and being able to get a free Social Driving License is even better, don't you think? In other words, CNH Social is a government program that offers a free driver's license to low-income people. Therefore, you end up having some freedom to…

  • Comanda tu auto desde tu celular

    Command your car from your cell phone

    Command your car from your cell phone and have the modernity in your hands to control your vehicle remotely. With today's technology, you can control your vehicle from your cell phone. That's right, through incredible functions you can start the car, adjust the air conditioning, close windows and much more. That is, you can…

  • Electrodomésticos que consumen más energía

    Appliances that consume more energy

    Do you know the appliances that consume the most energy in your home? If not, stay here and I'll tell you what they are. That is, some appliances can absorb a lot of energy and increase your electricity bill. For example, the air conditioner, iron, shower, refrigerator, computer, and other appliances in your home can weigh…

  • Aquí te mostramos cómo crear tu avatar en TikTok

    Here we show you how to create your avatar on TikTok

    The fever of creating your Avatar on TikTok is catching everyone by the way! And it is not surprising, because this wave is too much. Avatars are virtual characters you create to represent yourself on social media and in games. People love creating avatars because it is a way to express themselves and…

  • “Construyendo un sueño” 2023

    “Building a dream” 2023

    Registration for the “Building a Dream” 2023 program will now begin and promises to be once again moving and full of surprises. The program is shown on SBT on Sundays and is presented by Celso Portiolli. That is, its purpose is to transform the lives of families who do not have the financial conditions to do...

  • Piedras preciosas que ya no encontramos

    Precious stones that we no longer find

    We cannot deny that these pieces are too much, but take a look at some of the precious stones that we no longer find. Like, these little beauties have their importance and don't deny their worth, right? Not just to be rocking jewelry and accessories. But also culturally, historically, and even spiritually! Think about it, since ancient times, precious stones…

  • Aprende cómo suscribirte a Disney Plus by Mercado Pago

    Learn how to subscribe to Disney Plus by Mercado Pago

    If it is level 6 of the Mercado Points Program, discover in this post how to subscribe to Disney Plus by Mercado Pago for free. Subscribing to Disney Plus through Mercado Pago brings some pretty interesting advantages. First, it's a useful option. Because you can track your subscription from the same place where…

  • Seguro de desempleo en México.

    Unemployment insurance in Mexico.

    If you are still new to the Work Card, I will explain to you in a very calm way what this unemployment insurance is. Do you know when you are working, but the company decides to send you for no reason? Well, unemployment insurance is like a “little help” that the government gives to help kids who lost their…

  • Ver cricket en vivo.

    Watch live cricket.

    Watch live cricket, a sport that's a bit unknown in Brazil, but it's kind of a mix of baseball and tennis. But with its own crazy rules. The game takes place on a giant field with many bases and many players. In this sense, the objective is to score points by hitting the ball and running between the bases.…

  • Watch free TV on mobile

    Through your last name discover your ancestors. Have you ever wondered about the origin of your last name? Perhaps it is a unique name that has been passed down through the generations, or perhaps it is a more common last name that makes you curious about its history. In any case, tracing the genealogy of his family…

  • Amazon launches 400 free channels

    Amazon launches 400 free channels, just announced an innovative move that is expected to revolutionize the entertainment industry. The company has launched 400 new free channels on its platform, giving viewers access to a wide range of entertainment content at no additional cost. With this breakthrough, Amazon has effectively changed…