Application to write books and texts by cell phone – see the best options

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If you are looking for an application that can make your life easier, when it is time to create an article or even start launching a book, you know that there are some apps that are perfect for this.

Please confirm this article with some options applications to save books and texts on cell phonesMost of them are easy to use and free!

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Confirm the best options applications to save books and texts on cell phones

1. Google Docs

EITHER Google Docs, available for Android and iOS, as well as the web version, works as a place where it is possible to create various documents in text form. For this reason, it is possible to create texts, tables, graphs and much more.

It is ideal for those who always want to keep their notes on their palm, such as on their cell phone. For this reason, it is also possible to find books and articles.


EITHER word, available for iOS and Android, as well as or Google Docs, works as an application in which it is possible to create text documents, articles and even presentations. 

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Also, it is possible to use the ready models and create letters, books and many other types of materials that use a lot of text, for example. Please note that it is possible to connect to files on your computer, if it is connected at your own expense. Microsoft.

3. Evernote

EITHER Evernote It is an application that works like a notepad, available for Android and iOS, but to use it you must be registered in a condo Google

Within it it is possible to create long texts, lists, tasks and also articles. Another difference is that users can search for photos on the website directly from their cell phone and attach a text file.

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4. Google Keep

EITHER Google Keep It is an application available for iOS and Android, and it is a great option for those who are looking for an app to save texts. Also, it is ideal for organizing your routine day by day, because it has lists in which it is possible to program a check list.

Outra vantagem é que ele, assim como o Google Docs, can be edited by more than one person at the same time and define who can be editor, collaborator, reader and others. It is also ideal for those who want to read academic articles and books.

5. JotterPad

EITHER JotterPad It is an application available for iOS and Android How different from the two others mentioned above, it has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. 

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Also, there are text formatting functions that make life easier for many, this is because with this app you can format the text only after you finish writing.

 It also has a dark theme option to be able to record your texts without needing to look for a “white cloth” all the time. Therefore, it is ideal for those who need to spend a lot of time working on a document, such as a book or article.



