Tags: Speed test

  • Veja como fazer o teste de velocidade da internet com Speed Test

    See how to do the internet speed test with Speed Test

    Just as it happens with PC benchmarks, testing your internet speed must ensure there are no external interferences so as not to change the results. As an example, I have to download something, watch some YouTube video while shooting or testing. The less interference you have, the more certain the final result will be.…

  • Speed Test: aprenda a fazer o teste de velocidade de forma simples

    Speed Test: learn how to do speed tests in a simple way

    We will vote to understand the main reasons why most Brazilians have patience, with certainty that speed on the internet would be among the top 10. In the end, we all want and need a well-adjusted internet connection to be able to work, attend, know how to have fun and get on with life. Isso because I owe it to you…