Tags: reincarnations

  • Aplicación que muestra imágenes de vidas pasadas

    Application that shows images of past lives

    Curiosity is enough motivation for you to read this article and learn about the Application that shows images of past lives. You download the app and fill in some requested information and the artificial intelligence provides you with photos of places you have already been to in other lives. The most intriguing thing is that when you see…

  • Descubre quién fuiste en otras reencarnaciones

    Find out who you were in other reincarnations

    Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life? Have you ever felt more attached to certain people, places or events than others? Today we are going to present you the application so that you can discover who you were in other reincarnations. Are there certain beliefs and values that come naturally to you that you don't seem to have...