• Confira como consultar o PIS/PASEP pelo celular

    Confirm how to consult or PIS/PASEP by cell phone

    When a worker is hired by a new company under the CLT regime, he or she may have to find it difficult to report the PIS/PASEP number and throw out an extract from it. Isso because this number is requested so that a new company can deposit an amount in money in its account, similar to FGTS, or this,…

  • Saiba como consultar o PIS/PASEP em 2021

    Learn how to consult the PIS/PASEP in 2021

    Every Brazilian worker starting to work in a new company will probably have to find the right things to know about the PIS/PASEP. The PIS/PASEP consists of all the deposits made in the account of an employee of a company and that when issued, can be used as a form of employment insurance. For this reason, neste…