Tags: exercises

  • Adelgaza tus brazos y elimina la flacidez

    Slim your arms and eliminate flaccidity

    Slim your arms and eliminate flaccidity with a quick and simple workout, which you can do at home every day, spending just 10 minutes. In addition to losing arm sizes, you will strengthen and gain muscle. And all of this for free, we leave you the link at the end of the text so you can access it and exercise it...

  • Ejercicios para fortalecer los brazos y adelgazar

    Exercises to strengthen arms and lose weight

    Arm strengthening and weight loss exercises can be an effective way to increase upper body strength for activities such as weight lifting, sports, everyday tasks, or weight loss. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, there are exercises that help strengthen…

  • Dale forma a tus brazos

    shape your arms

    Shape your arms with the app that helps you define them with systematic and scientifically proven exercise routines for 30 days. The intensity of the exercises increases gradually, the app is your Personal Trainer at Home, which turns training into a daily habit. The best way to shape your…

  • Cambia tu vida controlando tu tensión arterial con el móvil

    Change your life by controlling your blood pressure with your mobile

    Change your life by controlling your blood pressure with your mobile phone and revolutionize the way you take care of your health. In this sense, the features of modern smartphones make it easier to control and manage blood pressure. Thanks to applications designed to help you obtain information about your general well-being. This way, you can…