How to remove the filter from a TikTok video? see how

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Have you ever finished a recording and you didn't like the end result? Learn to remove the filter from a TikTok video.

In fact, it is very easy to remove a filter of this famous tool and it has no secret.
Remembering that TikTok is one of the most used platforms and with 1,000 million active users worldwide.

In this sense, there are also some rules to be able to advance.
First of all, the video has to have been made by you.
Therefore, you cannot change the videos received from other people on the platform.
Also, you can only remove filters of your videos if they have not been published.

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That is, the filters of TikTok they are visual effects that can be placed on videos making them more fun and interesting.
It offers different types of filters as color, environment and face.

Well, it ends up becoming an interesting application for the effects and the amount of filters that can be inserted into videos. 
This wonder is free and is perfect for changing the look of your videos.

At the end of the day, if you make quick videos and on top of everything you use several filters, the tool It is wonderful and brings news and a lot of action on a day-to-day basis.
TikTok first spread in China and soon became popular Brazil as a tool of the cell phone itself.

From the beginning, it already offered the promise of being an application for creation, also for recording and sharing highly original moments.

What are TikTok filters?

The filters they come in the form of icons, images, logos and special effects.
They may first be accessible for use in the application library, or they may be downloaded.
You can use the filters while recording and see what the result will look like.

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You can use the filters while recording and see what the result will look like.
That is, the application offers the possibility of inserting one or more filters in each frame of the video.
Therefore, you can only remove filters while editing or if you are in the draft of your gallery.

¿Cómo eliminar el filtro de un video de TikTok? Vea cómo
How to remove the filter from a TikTok video? see how

In this sense, if the videos have already been published you will not be able to remove filters.
Anyway, knowing all this, learn now how remove that filter that didn't match or didn't like it during your editing.

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Now, pay attention to what we are going to tell you.
In case you have recorded a video and saved it in “Drafts”.
You can then remove a filter from TikTok following the steps below.

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First of all, open the app and sign in to your profile.
Then locate the draft you want to edit and click on it.
After that, hit the back arrow and open the edit.
Click on "effects” in the panel below.

Then press the undo button to remove filters included in the opposite order and then click “Save”.

If you don't see the option to remove filters, you will need to update your app to the latest version on the Play Store.

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Finally, did you like it? We hope so, and that you can remove the filters of your video of TikTok!

If you don't have yet TikTok, download it here:



