Curiosities about the largest crocodile in the world

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At first, Purussaurus brasiliensis, being the crocodile largest that has ever existed on our planet.

Also known as the Purus river lizard, it could be up to 12 meters long.

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He crocodile it lived in the Amazon jungle of South America, and the bite would be stronger than that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This was the most complete fossil of the species ever found by the paleontology laboratory of the Federal University of Acre (Ufac).

Among the various curiosities about this animalAccording to studies, the first Purussaurus fossil was found in 1892 on the banks of the Purus River.

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The animal was delivered to the botanist Joao Barbosa Rodrigues, who at that time was responsible for the Botanical Museum of the Amazon, being the first to classify the animal.

This river flows through Peru and the states of Acre and Amazonas in Brazil.

Las curiosidades sobre el cocodrilo más grande del mundo
Curiosities about the largest crocodile in the world

After that, in 2019, a boy of just 11 years old, named Robson Cavalcante, found a fossil by chance on the banks of the Acre River.

This fossil was a piece of the Purussaur's jawbone.

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An animal that could reach over 12 meters in length, it contained surprising force in its jaws.

With this it became one of the most devastating bites of all, exceeding 2 times that of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

On average, the animal, for its historical history, needed at least 40 kilos of meat daily due to its large size.

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Until today, studies are carried out and indicate that this species is related to the alligator - açu. This species lives exclusively in South America, and can reach up to six meters in length.

These same studies concluded that this reign came to an end shortly after the rise of the Andes, since it generated great impacts throughout the continent.

In this sense, causing numerous changes, especially in the Amazon region, thus making this great Purussauro animal extinct.


