Tags: WhatsApp

  • Deseja colocar foto com música no status do WhatsApp? Aprenda com esse passo a passo!

    Do you want to place a photo with music in the WhatsApp status? Learn how to do it step by step!

    Posting photos with music in the status of WhatsApp is not the same as our stories on Instagram and Facebook, and for this reason, many people do not know how to do this, including some people who do not know what it takes to do this. But this is how people who managed to post photos...

  • Fique por dentro da tendência e saiba como colocar foto com música no status do WhatsApp

    Look inside the trend and know how to place a photo with music in WhatsApp status

    Different social networks Instagram and Facebook, or Whatsapp, unfortunately, do not have a specific function so that a photo with music is posted only through it, or seja, so that the user can post a photo with music without Status of Whatsapp will have to tell with other functionalities as well, for example the use of a…

  • Veja como adicionar música no status do WhatsApp

    See how to add music to WhatsApp status

    It is evident that WhatsApp itself does not exist even the option of adding music to its status, but as there is always a need to “improvise”, you will see how it is possible to add music to its status. In the end, I don't want to share with friends who view their status the music that is taking over…

  • Veja como agendar mensagens no WhatsApp

    See how to schedule messages on WhatsApp

    If you constantly use instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, you probably have to think about how practical it would be to send prompt and scheduled messages, right? You may know that this is possible through a Google Chrome extension. Therefore, check in this article how to use an extension to schedule your messages not...

  • 5 aplicativos de fazer figurinhas

    5 applications of fazer figurinhas

    Since the famous figurines were launched on WhatsApp, they have been very successful and some have not stopped using them! But do you know where those figurines are made? These figures are created in editing applications in which it is possible to download an image and transform it into various figures. For this reason, here we are going to talk about 5 applications…