Tags: artificial intelligence

  • Aplicación para detectar mentiras

    application to detect lies

    The Lie Detector App is a new and innovative way to identify whether a person is telling the truth or not, making it easy to know if that statement is true or false. Ask your friends to put their index finger on the fingerprint scanner and then the lie detector will inform you of the result.…

  • App para mejorar fotos con inteligencia artificial

    App to improve photos with artificial intelligence

    As technology continues to evolve, so do the ways in which people can use it to improve their lives and one of them is the App to enhance photos with artificial intelligence. This app allows users to improve blurry, aged and blemished photos with just a few clicks. This not only…

  • Faça sua foto virar avatar com esse novo efeito

    Face your photo turn avatar with this new effect

    We all like to show our creative side with the help of technology. Here you will upload your photo and change your avatar with new effect. Tik Tok is now moving to the next level, introducing a new incredible effect, AI portrait! It allows you to create a realistic avatar by making just a video. Com…