Tags: govern

  • Bolsa Família: como funciona e onde se cadastrar?

    Bolsa Família: how does it work and where do you register?

    Learn a little more about the Bolsa Família and how to register in the program. The Bolsa Família is the largest income transfer program in the country. It is available for Brazilians who live in situations of poverty and extreme poverty. The objective of the program is to guarantee these families the right to food and…

  • Renda Básica Emergencial, veja quem tem direito.

    Emergency Basic Income, see that they are right.

    The Emergency Basic Income program was created due to the Covid-19 pandemic; Saiba se você tem direito. As social isolation, thousands of people are financially affected by the country. Therefore, people are not the only ones affected. The economy also entered a state of alert. Accordingly, various companies have seen their business fall. Big…