Tags: Government of Sao Paulo

  • Cursos gratuitos oferecido pelo Governo de São Paulo

    Free courses offered by the Government of São Paulo

    The Government of São Paulo opened 3,790 vacancies for free courses, learn more about them. Several cities in the state will receive some free courses aimed at the population. In this way, this is a great alternative for those who are looking for a professional qualification. Due to the pandemic, many companies have to date their doors. Isso you have um…

  • Confira quem pode receber o vale-gás de R$100,00 em julho

    Confirm that you can receive the gas voucher of R$100.00 in July

    As the price of the gas bottle goes up more and more, poor families have to go to other ways to cook food not day by day and even use the flame to cook. Thinking nisso, it was launched by the Government of São Paulo or the Vale Gás Program for several needy families…

  • Nota Fiscal Paulistana: saiba como resgatar o saldo e participar dos sorteios

    Paulistana Fiscal Note: I knew how to redeem or balance and participate in two raffles

    There are approximately 21.1 million consumers participating in the Nota Fiscal Paulistana program throughout the state. The program has been a great success and, as a major incentive for this phenomenon, the raffles and the values that are available to the clients, in which they can be transferred to a bank account or in any case, we can…

  • Confira como funciona a Nota Fiscal Paulista

    Check how it works at Nota Fiscal Paulista

    Making purchases is a recurring habit and sometimes it is also necessary for many consumers on a daily basis, but have you never thought about all your unsuccessful purchases, getting credit to spend as you would like? It was from this idea that emerged Nota Fiscal Paulista, a program of the State of São Paulo that had as its objective…