Tags: GOV

  • Bolsa Família: como funciona e onde se cadastrar?

    Bolsa Família: how does it work and where do you register?

    Learn a little more about the Bolsa Família and how to register in the program. The Bolsa Família is the largest income transfer program in the country. It is available for Brazilians who live in situations of poverty and extreme poverty. The objective of the program is to guarantee these families the right to food and…

  • Programa Vale Gás: saiba como solicitar esse benefício

    Vale Gás Program: know how to apply for this benefit

    The Government of the State of São Paulo created the Vale Gás program, in order to help the most economically vulnerable people buy their gas bottles. Given that the population is being a victim of a great economic crisis, in addition to the fact that they are increasingly more expensive for numerous reasons, such as...