Tags: Free courses

  • Cursos gratuitos oferecido pelo Governo de São Paulo

    Free courses offered by the Government of São Paulo

    The Government of São Paulo opened 3,790 vacancies for free courses, learn more about them. Several cities in the state will receive some free courses aimed at the population. In this way, this is a great alternative for those who are looking for a professional qualification. Due to the pandemic, many companies have to date their doors. Isso you have um…

  • Saiba como fazer um curso de programação sem gastar nada!

    I knew how to do a programming course without spending anything!

    Courses in the area of technology are becoming increasingly popular, this is because many of them are quick and easy to learn. Além disso, many of these courses can be useful on the internet. And as the programming course is no different, it is currently available and it is possible to find various free content and…