Tags: Caixa

  • Cartão Cidadão: Como solicitar, verificar saldos e benefícios do governo

    Cartão Cidadão: How to request, verify balances and government benefits

    As a worker, you probably have to hear about the Salary Bonus, the Unemployment Insurance, the FGTS withdrawal, or even about social programs of the Federal Government, such as the Family Fund. These benefits granted to many workers can be consulted through a cartão, called Cartão Cidadão. For this reason, in this article we are going to falar...

  • Saiba como consultar o saldo do Cartão Cidadão

    Learn how to check the balance of Cartão Cidadão

    The Cidade Card is a card created by the Brazilian Federal Government and issued by the Federal Economic Fund that has the objective of unifying the functions of the workers who work directly, with benefits established in law, such as, for example, PIS/PASEP and other benefits. . For this reason, in this article we are going to explain how the Cartão works…

  • Confira como consultar o PIS/PASEP pelo celular

    Confirm how to consult or PIS/PASEP by cell phone

    When a worker is hired by a new company under the CLT regime, he or she may have to find it difficult to report the PIS/PASEP number and throw out an extract from it. Isso because this number is requested so that a new company can deposit an amount in money in its account, similar to FGTS, or this,…

  • Saiba como consultar o PIS/PASEP em 2021

    Learn how to consult the PIS/PASEP in 2021

    Every Brazilian worker starting to work in a new company will probably have to find the right things to know about the PIS/PASEP. The PIS/PASEP consists of all the deposits made in the account of an employee of a company and that when issued, can be used as a form of employment insurance. For this reason, neste…

  • FGTS: Saiba como consultar o saldo pela internet

    FGTS: Learn how to check the balance on the internet

    Every worker who works in a company under the CLT regime will probably have to report on the FGTS, also known as the Service Time Guarantee Fund. O FGTS was created as a way to help workers who are dismissed without just cause by the company in which they work and pass to receive a…