Conheça tudo do Big Brother Brasil 24

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This season promises to be one of the most exciting days yet, with a wide range of competitors from different backgrounds, including athletes, businessmen, singers and actors.

The show will also feature new flips this year, as special challenges for competitors and surprise eliminations.

A cada semana, os telespectadores podem esperar momentos intensos de drama, suspense e emoção enquanto assistem os colegas de casa competirem entre si pela chance de serem coroados vencedores do Big Brother Brasil 24.

Será uma montanha-russa emocional, com muitas surpresas ao longo do caminho que manterão o público em alerta até o final. Prepare-se para um passeio selvagem enquanto o Big Brother Brasil 24 traz sua temporada final para as telas de televisão de todo o Brasil!

Quais são as novidades do Big Brother Brasil 24?

O Big Brother Brasil 24 chegou e os fãs do programa se preparam para mais uma temporada polêmica. As notícias em torno do popular reality show brasileiro estão em alta, com os concorrentes já confirmando sua participação na próxima temporada.

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The Big Brother Brasil franchise has always caused excitement among the public due to its unpredictable nature and exciting stories.

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This year's plot doesn't seem to be any different, as the producers will reveal some extravagance about what viewers can expect from this season. As always, there will be a lot of drama between the housemates as they compete to become the last survivor and win a big money prize.

Além disso, this season we see with some new twists that will certainly keep viewers attentive to each episode. The competitors will face tasks and eliminations still more difficult than ever, as they fight for first place.

Can the chaotic decoration of the BBB alter the mood and stress participants?

O Big Brother Brasil 24 (BBB) promete ser uma temporada cheia de surpresas e até caos. A casa do BBB é conhecida por sua decoração caótica, que muitas vezes provoca sentimentos de inquietação e estresse nos participantes.

But could this chaos really serve to improve the state of mind that is inside?

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Recent studies show that chaotic environments can lead to increased creativity, resilience, and openness. This means that, if managed with care, the chaotic environment of the BBB can offer an opportunity for its participants to become more productive.

By pushing them out of their comfort zones and into unfamiliar territory, they may be more open-minded to new experiences and ideas.

Also, being exposed to this type of environment can also help them deal better with stressful situations, as it encourages innovation instead of stagnation.

Conheça os participantes do BBB 24


I was 28 years old, a biomedical doctor, I won a dispute over the glass house to participate in the program. She is da pipoca.


Model, who has caused her on the internet to say that she is with Anitta and Luísa Sonza also won the dispute over the glass house and is going to participate in the little girl.

Aline Wirley

She is 41 years old, integrates the cabin, and is a former red band that was very successful in the year 2000. She wanted to show her other side in reality.


A 34-year-old man from Bahia, bachelor who is going to crowd in the pipoca. He promises with his Bahian jeitinho to conquer everyone.

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She is 23 years old, a actress since she was little and will participate in the cabin at BBB 23. She participated in several Globo soap operas, such as Ave Avenida Brasil, Malhação Casa Cheia, Haja Coração, Orgulho e Paixão and Nos tempos do imperador.


Not agroboy style this fazendeiro is a member of the pipoca.


I have already met on the internet by the Desimpedidos channel, this man from São Paulo is known by Fred, more acquainted with Bruno Carneiro Nunes. Former participant of the BBB Bianca Andrade, in Boca Rosa, com quem tem um filho. E is considered competitive. Face part of the cabin.


This 24-year-old from Santa Catarina, is a party girl. A traine personal and physical education teacher claims to be rude and inattentive, but with good arguments always at the point of the language. She is da pipoca.


Sergipano, biomedical and what I dream of doing Medicine. Quer dar o sangue no reality com muita estrategia. He will join the pipoca.

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Domitila Barros

Atriz and entrepreneur, 38 years old, was elected Miss Germany in 2022. Reinforced for the cabin, she considers herself a focused and resilient person. But he doesn't know how to lose.

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MMA fighter, participated in the UFC for 8 years. Now it's up to the PFL. He is from Paraíba, he is 32 years old, he is single and he lies down funny and calm.

Sarah Aline

Psychologist, she is 25 years old, she loves to talk a lot, she says that she does not dispense with a fofoca and she loves to dance.

Fred Nicário

He stood out when presenting the reality show Queer Eye Brasil. Married, lives in Bauru as husband. He considers himself sensitive, strategic and a trustworthy person.

Key Alves

Volleyball player and influencer with more than 7 million followers. Namoradeira is never a spectator in a briga.


He is 32 years old, a businessman graduated in sports nutrition. He appears to be a person of initiative and vision. He enjoys sports, swimming and having fun with friends.


Former participant of The Voice Brasil, a program that rose to wanting to be famous in music. She is 23 years old, in the pandemic caused a DVD that reached more than 40 million audio and video streams. Be part of the cabin and do not enjoy inconvenient people.


This 32-year-old from Pernambuco, who lives as his country, feared or dreamed of moving his life and his country. Known as the “princess of the borders” in her region, she will integrate little girl.

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Angola, 29 years old, came to Brazil to study, acts as a marketing analyst and model, member of the pipoca. Also digital influencer.

Gabriel Santana

Global actor, fez refilmage of “Pantanal”, great success of 2022. Atuou also in other filmanges as a series jailers (2017), by Malhação: All Forms of Love (2019).

In the ballad always or most lively of all, it is considered loving and um bom ouvinte.


Doctor in Campo Largo in Paraná, she is 31 years old. He enjoys his ICU routine for being unpredictable. Solteira says there is more luck in love that I do not play.

MC Guime

Since he was 15 years old, he has been in the field of music and is two symbols of Funk in São Paulo.

*-*Married to the singer Lexa, in 2022 he participated in The Masked Singer Brazil, with his wife. He claims to be calm and good at maintaining balance in adverse situations.

At the BBB mark

I finally finished waiting, the month of January is the month of the BBB in Brazil. As of the 16th, the premiere at Globo followed the novel of 21 hours. You can follow 24 hours at Globoplay.

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