Bolsa Família: how does it work and where do you register?

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Learn a little more about or family bag e how to register does not program.

EITHER family bag It is the largest income transfer program in the country.

It is available for Brazilians who live in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

The objective of the program is to guarantee these families the right to food and access to education and health.

So that we can overcome the situation of vulnerability and poverty.

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EITHER family bag He was raised in October 2003 by the Federal Government.

The country serves more than 14 thousand families through family bag.

In order for you to better understand this program, we separate some important information.

Who can participate in the program?

To be part of the program, it is necessary to meet some requirements.

Families where the rent per person is at R$ 89.00 messages.

Families with rent per person between R$ 89.01 and R$ 178.00 monthly, since they have children or adolescents from 0 to 17 years old.

To be registered in the program, the family must be registered in the Unique Cadastro.

It is important to have updated data for less than 2 years.

If your family meets the requirements but is not registered in the Unique Register, don't worry.

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Just look for the responsible organ for your hair family bag em sua cidade e se increver no CadÚnico.

Além disso, always keep the data updated in the system.

If there is a change of address or telephone, report to the prefeitura.

Well, how do you have to move in the family, like death, birth or adoption.

Noting that the registration is not a Unique Registration is a pre-requisite to enter the program.

However, it does not guarantee the certainty of the immediate entry of the family family bag.

Nor does the monthly receipt of benefits.

The Ministry of Citizenship automatically selects the families that receive or benefit.

Isso occurs monthly.

How to register in Bolsa Família?

According to what we said above, to enter the program or city you must be registered in the Unique Cad. 

Besides, the members of the family must meet other criteria.

These criteria are determined by the Ministry of Citizenship.

Bolsa Família.
Family Bag.

In this way, it is necessary to fit in to be considered eligible to receive the benefit.

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Já to be increver no family bag It is necessary to procure the CRAS of sua cidade.

This service is generally linked to the prefeituras two municipalities. 

The Family Responsable will go through an interview.

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In this way, for the family to be approved in the program, it is necessary to fit in the rules.

We can do part of the program family bag families that:

Possess rent per person of até R$ 89.00 mensais;

They have rent per person between R$ 89.01 and R$ 178.00 monthly, since they are children or adolescents from 0 to 17 years old.

However, there are still other criteria to maintain the program:

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In the case of pregnant women in the family, it is necessary to go to pre-natal consultations.

Keep the vaccination card on the day for children from 0 to 7 years old.

Health support for women in the family from 14 to 44 years old.

Frequent the classrooms, reaching the minimum frequency:

For children and adolescents from 6 to 15 years old, minimum frequency of 85%

Já for adolescents of 16 and 17 years, the minimum frequency is 75%.

Finally, the person responsible for the family registration must be at least 16 years old.

Preferably, it is a woman.

This person will be responsible for updating the information in the cadastre whenever they have to move in the family.


